2022年6月14日下午,Ganter Interior Design瑰泰室内设计董事长ANSGAR BERNHARD NIEMANN莅临我所进行业务交流工作。我所创始合伙人、主任李见刚律师进行了热情接待,并在会议室举行了座谈会。
Galeries Lafayette老佛爷百货设计装饰展示图1
Galeries Lafayette老佛爷百货设计装饰展示图2
瑰泰Ganter是一家德国的高端室内设计和装饰安装公司,为国际知名品牌在全球的旗舰店和高端办公场所、住宅项目等做室内设计装饰安装工程及配套服务。已经为众多全球知名品牌提供室内设计和装饰服务,如Montblant, Vertu, Porsche, Apple, De Beers, Burberry, Hugo Boss, Mango, Tom Ford, Burberry, BALENCIAGA, Galeries Lafayette老佛爷百货等。公司的经营宗旨是瑰泰设计,德国品质以及当地化的服务。
Ganter Interior is a system service provider for interior design and decoration, We provide interior fittings and fixtures to global brands like Montblant, Vertu, Porsche, Apple, De Beers, Burberry, Hugo Boss, Mango,Tom Ford, Burberry, Balenciaga, Galeries Lafayette etc. Besides Retail business, Ganter Asia also realizes premium and luxury Commercial and Residential projects. Our business concept is: Ganter Engineering, German Quality and Local Service.